Getting tokens to trade
How to get tokens to begin swapping and trading
Last updated
How to get tokens to begin swapping and trading
Last updated
So you created your wallet and want to fill it with crypto; let's get started! Getting tokens in your wallet depends on a few factors.
What type of tokens you are trying to get?
What type of wallet do you have?
Native tokens on the Binance Smart Chain are what we call BEP-20 tokens, but these may not be something you can buy directly and would instead need to trade for (hence Swych). Before you can do this, however, you will need a popular stable coin on the network or BNB.
Please ensure you know your wallet address and do not link to unknown websites while getting/purchasing tokens.
There are a few ways to buy tokens: purchasing through a centralized exchange and transferring them to your wallet. The other option is purchasing through your wallet using a provider.
Buying coins through your wallet can often be the easiest way to start your crypto journey and open the doors to trading multiple coins across Swych. Of course, there are pros and cons to doing so.
Purchases through wallet are often more instant and don't require additional account setup.
Allows direct wallet access; no need to transfer from one wallet to another.
Offers multiple payment options such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, Credit, Debit, or a Bank Account.
Multiple purchase options for better rates.
Prices can often be higher than CEX's
Where you are located may require additional tax information causing delays.
Not all wallets support the direct purchase of crypto.
So you want to get tokens through your wallet, no problem. After following the setup instructions, purchase a suitable coin to trade your tokens; some of these include:
BNB (BEP-20)
When purchasing directly through your wallet, you will see a few options of who to purchase through.
Some of these include MoonPay or Transak. They will offer different pricing/rates depending on the purchase amount, so choose carefully. Depending on who you purchase through, you may use multiple ways to pay, like Apply Pay or a Debit card. Once you complete your transaction, the funds will be sent directly to your wallet and ready to be traded.
Firstly, let's look at how to purchase tokens through your wallet; for example, we will use Trust Wallet.
Open the Trust Wallet app and select "buy" at the top of the screen.
Select the token you wish to buy.
Enter the amount of money you wish to spend and convert it into that token
Select a provider from the list below, go with the automatically recommended one, and follow the prompts to purchase. Once complete, tokens will be sent directly to your wallet and ready to be traded.
Once you have acquired one of the above tokens and it is within your wallet, head over to How to Trade tokens!